Can I Become Pregnant While My Tubes Are Tied?

 Women who no longer want to have children can opt to have their tubes tied, or have a tubal ligation. The fallopian tubes are either blocked or severed during this medical operation. It stops an egg from leaving your ovary and moving to your uterus, where it would normally be fertilised. Tubal ligation can avoid most pregnancies, but it doesn't guarantee it. One in 200 women is thought to become pregnant after a tubal ligation. If you want to become pregnant while your tubes are tied you can visit at IVF Center in Jaipur for consultation.

Tubal ligation is an extremely reliable way to prevent pregnancy. Fewer than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant within a year of surgery. But different things play a role in your chances of getting pregnant later.

Your chance of an ectopic pregnancy may rise if you get a tubal ligation. Instead of moving to the uterus, a fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tubes in this situation. A pregnancy that is ectopic can become urgent. It's important to recognize the symptoms. The fallopian tubes are tied, cut, closed, or knotted during a tubal ligation procedure. If the fallopian tubes re-grow together following tubal ligation, pregnancy may arise. The younger a woman is when she undergoes a tubal ligation, the higher the probability that this may happen.

A lady can find out she was pregnant before having a tubal ligation. This is due to the possibility that an implanted fertilized egg existed in her uterus prior to the operation. Due to the reduced likelihood of pregnancy, many women choose to have their tubes tied just after giving birth or right after their period.

It doesn't follow that you will always feel that way just because you didn't want to get pregnant when you had your surgery. Over 14% of women who had their tubes tied later sought advice on how to undo it.

The likelihood of conception following this operation is best described as 75%–80%. Success is dependent on a number of variables, such as:

     The fallopian tubes' dimensions and state


     The kind of operation performed

     Existing scar tissue

If your tubes are tied and you want to get pregnant you can get consultation from many IVF center In Udaipur which provide free consultation and discount on test and treatment.


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